Thank you for your order. Book(s) will be shipped on February 25, 2015. Watch your email for further information and details about each of your bonuses that are part of your order. Below you can access the special bonuses now available. If you have any questions or require assistance please contact us at

The Art Of Having It All PDF eBook and audio files

(For access watch your email for details to login to The Art Of Having It All Online Membership Site).

150+ Interview Series

(For access watch your email for details to login to The Art Of Having It All Online Membership Site).

Access to The Art of Having It All Radio Show

(For access watch your email for details to login to The Art Of Having It All Online Membership Site).

7 Essential Laws Cards

(For access watch your email for details to login to The Art Of Having It All Online Membership Site).

Creating Money Program (watch your email for details on access soon).

Client Coaching Workbooks

(For access watch your email for details to login to The Art Of Having It All Online Membership Site).

How To Create A Group Coaching Program

(March 17, 24 & 31st at 12pm EST – recordings available)

Goddess Rising Experience (December 4-6, Scottsdale, AZ)

(Watch your email for details by March.)

The Art of Having It All 8 Week Course

(Several 2015 dates to choose from – recordings available –
taught by the Certified Art of Having It All Coaches.

(Watch your email for further details.)