The Art of Having It All LIVE Teleseminar by Christy Whitman
Tuesday, February 3rd 2015
6:00pm Pacific / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
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Question: Hi Christy! Inspirational call! Does your book talk more about the future self and the non physical self? This is not something people are talking about. Your book sounds amazing. Much Love! Alena
Christy’s Answer: Hi Alena, The Art of Having It All discusses and allows you to experience both the non-physical self and the future self. Both are covered in the book.
Question: How can you handle the negativity of the people surrounding you? For example: my husband has a tendency to think about the worst case scenario at almost all times….
Christy’s Answer: By practicing the Law of Allowing. We need to stay connected to ourselves and in the presence of others. By focusing on what you want, what you want to feel and then getting into the feeling place, the negativity of others can’t penetrate you.
Question: I am in a very stressful situation at the moment. My mother was taken to emergency December 28 as the nursing staff in her retirement home found her in bed unresponsive. It has been a roller coaster of feelings since then. I started a full time job while she was still in hospital about 1 hour from home, and my husband and I have started a new diet to control blood pressure that requires a lot of cooking. I guess my question is how can I get myself calmed down enough to start this new approach to my life?
Christy’s Answer: BREATHE! Take one moment at a time. Feel yourself and breathe when you are feeling the stress of all of the transition. Remind yourself what you do want, why you want it and how you want to feel. Then allow yourself to feel the essence of the desire you seek. I go deep into that in The Art of Having It All.
Question: What happens if I want deeply to be with my partner I LOVE and he want as deeply NOT to be with me?? And we both wish it and manifest it (independently)
Christy’s Answer: We can’t change anyone with the Universal Laws. I would focus on what you do love about your partner and get that clarity. There are many other people out there that can express those qualities. Use this an opportunity to clarify your desires by listing all the qualities your current partner has, but then also add to it that your new partner is also in love with you, treats you well, etc. This is where the Law of Detachment comes in. We can’t be attached to the outcome or even the form. The form being the certain person we are in a relationship with. Just even detaching from the outcome may change the dynamic of the current relationship.
Question: I’m having trouble accessing my future self through meditation. Do you have any ideas?
Christy’s Answer: Typically this is because there is a block. This is good news, because now you can see what the block is. Is it that you need to develop visualizing and that skill or is it a particular bright future? That is where we need to look at certain beliefs. If there is not the allowing of the future self then there is something blocking it.
Question: When we have been thinking in the same way all our life, how can we step out of that to create something different? I understand how the manifestation equation work but applying it into my life when I use to think and believe in a certain way all my life is very hard. Do you have a tip? Thanks!
Christy’s Answer: It is just a pattern of thought and you are in control of your mind, not your thoughts. Get ahead of your thoughts and start using affirmations to get your mind focused in the direction of what you do want. You change a thought one at a time. Sending and surround your thoughts that you don’t want in light and love and replace them with a new empowering thought.
Question: Hi Christy, I believe and love your teaching. How do I pinpoint why I succeed, but always crash and find myself back to the starting point?
Christy’s Answer: In The Art of Having It All I talk about the allowing meter. This will really help you understand why we allow so much success and then our saboteur steps in and stops it.
Question: I have a question, how do I stop attracting so much negative in my life? It’s like one thing I deal with, and second one just pops in. I feel like I am in this hole and can’t break free. Please advice how to remove this road block? Thanks!
Christy’s Answer: I would first ask yourself what is the payoff for attracting this negativity in your life. You are doing it for a reason. I would say there is a pattern of thought or even a sub-personality that needs to be evolved to give it a new role to help you succeed instead of blocking your desires.
Question: Hi Christy, I read your book and I find it and you very inspiring. Thank you for your genuine interest in helping us have our it and our all! The one thing in the manifestation process that stays in the back of my mind is this….we don’t always get what we want but what we need. How is our inability to manifest what we want affected by the idea that a greater purpose exists for us that we may not be conscious of?
Christy’s Answer: That is a lyric from a song and frankly not a good one. We do get what we need, and as I believe we can have it all, we can also get what we want. When you get into the soul quality or essence of what you want such as joy or freedom as an example then you will have what is in alignment with your soul and get what you need and want.
Question: What is the best way to release/remove limiting beliefs and thoughts as it relates to one’s ability to attract the desired finances (specifically work contracts)?
Christy’s Answer: We need to start a new relationship with money. I have a new free course Creating Money that will help you. When you purchase three books you get into the course for free.
Question: Everything’s great in my life ….except money…What would you advise, and have you noticed a common thread in people with money lack? Is there one thing more than anything else that we’re all doing or believing?
Christy’s Answer: I would say look at the answer above. It is all vibration. And it is all a relationship. Money can’t start the relationship with us, it is us. Change the relationship and you change the outcome.
Question: Hi I have a son with a severe disability and I have created my own business to try to help us financially to cope with our sons needs. I am trying to do it in a positive way I love what I’m doing and it is also helping our planet as I’m upcycling. My time is limited so how do I create more time.
Christy’s Answer: When you start working with essence you work less. You can bring in the Universal principles to help you and therefore attract things easier. You will then find that you are using less effort and therefore more time available.
Question: I have kids and want to stay in this marriage, I still like my spouse but he is very uncooperative and recently has stopped communicating – while I am aware of the changes I need to make (lessons learned from past mistakes) how do I get him to change if he does not cooperate?
Christy’s Answer: You can’t get anyone to change if they don’t want to change themselves. Make your inner changes and focus on your own alignment. Law of Attraction will then take care of the details that manifests for you in that aligned place.
Question: How to sustain motivation?
Christy’s Answer: Alignment with the bigger part of you.
Question: How long does it take to have it all? I’ve been doing meditations and affirmations and clarifying my idea of what I want for about two and a half years and still haven’t attained it yet. Is there anything we can do to manifest the life we want more quickly?
Christy’s Answer: The more energy that you give out that is positive and of a higher vibration the quicker things change. It does not take much time at all. The faster and quicker you shift, the faster and quicker the outer reality changes. Our outer reality is a direct reflection of our inner world.
Question: How to attract more love and abundance?
Christy’s Answer: Feel more love and abundance. Consistently.
Question: How do you stop the automatic critical self talk without even realizing that you are doing it?
Christy’s Answer: Pay attention to your own vibration.
Question: Is this applicable for Men?
Christy’s Answer: Of course. These are Universal Principles so they affect all of us, both men and women.
Is it possible to have everything you desire without running yourself ragged?
The answer is a resounding YES!
We are meant to have everything we desire and more!
=>> Click here to pre-order your copy of The Art of Having It All today!